Kayak & Surfski rental
Welcome to experience paddling in one of the latest “Kayak-types”! We are happy to now offer “Surfskis” from Nordic Kayaks for more fun on the water, as well as traditional seakayaks from Seabird of Norway if desired!
The PE-rental surfskis are rougher, slightly wider and a bit heavier compared to the more weight optimized composite racers. But still have the same basic shape, self draining cockpit and rudder for easy handling in the waves. Both the sea kayaks and surfskis have a storage compartment for your pick-nick etc.
- Surfski Type: Nordic Kayaks Breeze, 505x54cm: PE-hull, rudder, storage compartment and self draining cockpit. Price: SEK 700/day (Within 8.00-20.00). SEK 500/day from day two.
- Kayak Type: Seabird Expedition LV 480x56cm or HV 518x59cm: Two sizes for different body weights. Price: SEK 600/day (Within 8.00-20.00). SEK 400/day from day two.
- Double and triple kayaks also available. (Same price per p as for single).
- Equipment: Paddle and life jacket included. Please state body weight for life jacket and boat size at booking! Accesories acc to below: SEK 50/unit, -50% from day two.
- Check-out / Check-in: Book min 2 kayaks, min one day in advance and we deliver, and pick up at Saxviken (5-10 min walk from any hotel in Mora C). Or at Sanda harbour, closer to the open water.
- Transportation: We pick up and deliver rental kayaks at other desired places nearby as well. Please send a request for cost info.
- Open in Mora: Upon agreement, all days 8.00 – 20.00
- Suggested paddle waters nearby Mora: Mora Outdoor paddlingsguide.
- Rental terms and conditons: PDF-Rental terms.
Send booking request: (If rental is desired within 24 hrs: Please call!)